How to Connect Bluetooth Mouse to Windows Laptop, Chromebook, and Mac OS

GG Tutor - The easiest way to connect a bluetooth mouse on Windows, Chromebook, and Mac OS.

GG Tutor - How to connect a bluetooth mouse to a laptop you can do in several ways..
.. This depends on the wishes or needs of its use.

Given the bluetooth mouse also has many types in it.

Therefore, before being able to connect the mouse to the laptop, it is necessary to identify and find out how to connect the bluetooth mouse correctly..
.. But don't worry, because the way is very easy to do.

How to Connect a Bluetooth Mouse to a PC/Laptop

Connect Bluetooth Mouse to PC or Laptop

There are at least 4 ways you can do to connect a bluetooth mouse to a laptop..
.. Either using a USB receiver, PC/laptop bluetooth connection, Chomebook, and so on.

For more details, here are 4 ways to easily connect a bluetooth mouse :

1. Connecting a Bluetooth Mouse Through a Bluetooth Connection

The easiest way to connect a bluetooth mouse to a PC/laptop you can do using the PC/laptop bluetooth feature itself..
.. That way, the mouse can be directly connected to the PC/laptop.

Where, how to connect a bluetooth mouse to a laptop can be done as follows :

  • First, activate your PC or laptop, then enter the start menu by pressing the start icon on the display screen or the start button on the keyboard
  • If so, the menu page will open
  • Here, select the settings option, then select the device option
  • After that, the laptop device window will open. Here there are various options that you can choose
  • Select the bluetooth and other device option, then select bluetooth again
  • Activate the laptop bluetooth by pressing the on button
  • If so, activate the bluetooth mouse by pressing the on button on the body of your bluetooth mouse
  • Wait a few moments until the mouse is active, then press the bluetooth mouse pairing button on the top of the mouse and make sure it's active
  • After that, press the add a device button on the PC/laptop bluetooth scanning page
    Connecting a Bluetooth Mouse Through a Bluetooth Connection
  • Then, wait until the name of the bluetooth detected appears, and select the name of the bluetooth mouse that you will connect to
  • Next, press the add button to add the bluetooth mouse, then press connect again to be able to connect it.

Wait a few moments until the bluetooth mouse is connected to the laptop, then from here you can use the mouse to run various commands on the PC/laptop.

2. Connecting Bluetooth Mouse with USB Receiver Mouse

You need to know, that not all PCs/laptops have bluetooth features in them..
.. So, the bluetooth mouse cannot be connected directly.

But don't worry, because there is a USB Receiver Mouse that you can use to connect the mouse to the laptop..
.. Here's how

  • First, activate the bluetooth mouse that you have, with press the on button on the body of your bloototh mouse
  • Wait a few moments for the notification light to turn on, indicating the mouse is already active
  • After that, connect the USB Receiver Mouse to the PC/laptop, then wait for the notification light to turn on on the PC/laptop.
    Connecting Bluetooth Mouse with USB Receiver Mouse
  • If so, press the connect button on the mouse body
  • Automatically the mouse will be connected to the USB Receiver Mouse.

If it is successful, then the bluetooth mouse is connected to the PC/laptop..
.. From here you can already use for various PC/laptop activities that require the bluetooth mouse.

3. Connecting a Bluetooth Mouse Through a Chromebook

The next way you can do this is through a Chromebook..
.. This method is almost the same as the previous method.

However, this method tends to be easier and faster to do.

Here's how to connect a bluetooth mouse to a PC/laptop via Chromebook :

  • Activate the bluetooth mouse first by pressing the on button on the body of the mouse
  • Next, enter the Chromebook menu, simply press the icon at the bottom right of the PC/laptop homescreen
  • Here will appear various menu options and applications, select the bluetooth option
    Connecting a Bluetooth Mouse Through a Chromebook 1
  • After that, you will be directed to the bluetooth page, then activate bluetooth by pressing the on button
  • If so, then the bluetooth on the PC/laptop will turn on
  • Next, also turn on the bluetooth on the mouse by pressing the pair button on the top of the mouse
    Connecting a Bluetooth Mouse Through a Chromebook 2
  • Then look for the mouse bluetooth signal by pressing the add new device button on the PC/laptop, then press pairing
  • Wait a few moments for the laptop to scan and find the signal from the bluetooth mouse
  • After success, press the name of the bluetooth mouse and press the add and pair button
  • If so, the bluetooth will be added to the PC/laptop bluetooth connection page
  • Then, connect the bluetooth mouse with a PC/laptop, click the bluetooth name and select the connect option
  • Wait a few moments until the bluetooth mouse is connected, then try moving the mouse in any direction and pay attention to the laptop screen.

If the cursor has followed the direction of the mouse, then the bluetooth mouse has been successfully connected to the PC/laptop..
.. From here you can use the bluetooth mouse to move the cursor or various commands on the PC/laptop.

4. Connecting a Bluetooth Mouse to Mac OS

Bluetooth mice can not only be used on Windows, but can also be applied to Mac OS laptops..
.. How to connect a bluetooth mouse with Mac OS is very easy, which is as follows :

  • Make sure the bluetooth mouse has a full battery first, then turn on the mouse by pressing the on button on the mouse body
  • Next, turn on the PC/laptop and go to start by pressing the apple icon in it
  • Here, look for the system preferences option, then you will be directed to the list of applications
  • Select the bluetooth option by pressing the icon
  • Then, activate bluetooth by pressing the turn on bluetooth button
    Connecting a Bluetooth Mouse to Mac OS
  • Wait a few moments until bluetooth on Mac OS is active, where you can see it in green and there is a list of bluetooth connections
  • After that, activate the bluetooth mouse by pressing the pairing button on the mouse body
  • The mouse will automatically emit a bluetooth signal, and the Mac OS will scan and find the bluetooth signal from the mouse
  • When it appears on the Mac OS display screen, press the name of the bluetooth mouse
  • Then, press the pair button to add the bluetooth mouse into the Mac OS connection
  • If so, tap the name of the bluetooth mouse again and select the connect option
  • Wait a few moments until the bluetooth mouse is connected to the Mac OS
  • If it is connected, then try moving the cursor with the mouse.

If the cursor can move, this indicates that you can use the bluetooth mouse to run various Mac OS commands..
.. After using it, don't forget to turn off the mouse by pressing the pair button on the mouse and pressing the off button.

Also turn off the bluetooth on the laptop and now the mouse is disconnected.

From here, if you want to use it again, then you just need to turn on the bluetooth and the mouse will connect automatically..
.. Remembering that the laptop has saved the bluetooth data from the mouse.

How to connect a bluetooth mouse on a PC/laptop is very much..
.. Each way can be done according to the circumstances that allow.

Of course, you can use the easiest and most appropriate way to use on your PC/laptop.


...That's Connect Bluetooth Mouse to PC or Laptop.

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