5 Ways to See Windows 11 Wifi Password

GG Tutor - There are several easy ways you can do to see the wifi password on windows.
Ways to See Windows 11 Wifi Password

GG Tutor - Knowing the wifi password is mandatory to be able to connect to the internet network.

To be able to see the Wifi password, there are several ways you can do it.

The Latest Way to See Wifi Passwords in Windows 11

1. Check Through the Router

See Windows 11 Wifi Password Via Check Through the Router

This first method has nothing to do with PC or Windows 11..
.. However, you must first make sure the Wifi password on your router has not been changed.

So, you can see the password of the wifi router that is being used.

Because forgetting the password on wifi, sometimes it can be solved very simply, like seeing it directly on the router.

But this method only applies to those who are new to using wifi and the password on the router has never been changed at all.

Most router manufacturers list the initial SSID and password being used.

Check the information on the sticker on the back or bottom of the router.

If not, it is possible that the initial password information was on the router box when you first got the device.

Search for a series of numbers that have the label key..
.. That's the Wi-Fi password in question.

2. Check Through the Wifi Feature

Wifi that is on a Windows 11 computer does not only function to connect to the internet via Wifi..
.. But there is other information that you can see there, namely how to see the wifi password in Windows 11.

This method is effective when PC users want to share the password of a wifi that has been connected to their device with other people.

  • On the Windows toolbar, click the icon with a picture of Wifi.
  • In the window that opens, click the Network and Internet Settings option.
  • After that click the Wifi option.
  • At the bottom select the option change adapter options.
    See Windows 11 Wifi Password Via Check Through the Wifi Feature
  • Select the wifi whose password you want to see then right click.
  • Select state.
  • Select wireless properties.
  • Then click the security tab.
  • After that, look at the bottom of the Network Security Key window and select the show character option.
    See Windows 11 Wifi Password Via Check Through the Wifi Feature 1
  • The wifi password will be visible here and the user can also copy it to the clipboard.

This method only applies to wifi that has ever been connected to the user's computer..
.. Meanwhile, wifi that has never been connected will not appear on the network security key and the password will not be visible at all.

3. Check via CMD

The next way we will use the command line..
.. How to see the wifi password on Windows 11 via cmd can be used as a good alternative when other methods don't work or are having problems.

  • Click Start at the bottom left of the layer or press the button with the start logo on the keyboard.
  • Look for the search feature on the start menu and select Run.
  • Open the Run program that appears in search results.
  • In the Run input field, type CMD.
    See Windows 11 Wifi Password Check via CMD
  • Press Enter and the CMD window will appear on the layer.
  • Next, type
    netsh wlan show profiles
    on CMD.
  • After that press enter to start giving commands to the computer via CMD.
  • Next, a list of wifi that has been used by the computer that is being used will appear.
  • Search and find the wifi you want to see the password for.
  • After finding it, type
    netsh wlan show profiles Wifi name key=clear
    See Windows 11 Wifi Password Check via CMD 1
  • Press enter and the selected wifi password will appear.

You can also get the information through the security settings column in the key content section.

Just like before, this method can only be done for wifi networks that have already been connected to your device.

4. Check Through IP Address Configuration

Another alternative way to see the wifi password in Windows 11 that is worth a try is to use the IP address configuration.

This method is relatively more difficult when compared to the method we described earlier..
.. But even so, you can try this method as an alternative.

  • First, make sure you have been connected to the wifi you want to see the password for.
  • Connect the wifi connection from the PC to the wifi.
  • After that a pop up will appear asking the user to enter the username and password of the wifi.
  • Next you have to modify the IP Address through the Modify Network Configuration feature available.
    See Windows 11 Wifi Password Via Check Through IP Address Configuration
  • In the window that opens, you will see the IP address 168.1.1. Change the number to
  • After the IP address has been changed through the previous step, please enter the browser you normally use and visit http://192/168.1/254.
  • The url will go to a landing page that asks to enter a username and password.
    See Windows 11 Wifi Password Via Check Through IP Address Configuration 1
  • Enter the username and password USER or ADMIN.
  • This username and password must be the same, so don't get it wrong.
  • Finally, enter Settings or settings and see the username and password used by the wifi.

Please note, that in this method Windows 11 users must be forced to change the IP address in order to be able to access the landing page referred to in the tutorial above.

However, this method is not necessarily successful..
.. Because, if the Wifi owner has changed the username and password, it will be impossible for you to use the USER or ADMIN username and password.

5. Check Through Keychain Access

Finally, we provide a bonus for MacOS users who want to see the Wifi password.

Namely by using the keychain access feature..
.. This feature is not a third party application. Because the application has been installed on a MacOS PC since it was first used.

  • First, open the Application menu on the PC.
  • Then scroll down and find the Keychain Access option.
  • Or if you have trouble finding it, just use the keyboard shortcut by pressing Command + Space.
  • The Keychain Access window will open, then select System.
    See Windows 11 Wifi Password Via Check Through Keychain Access
  • Click Passwords.
  • Here will appear all available Wifi networks, please select the name of the Wifi you want to know the password for.
  • Check the show password option.
    See Windows 11 Wifi Password Via Check Through Keychain Access 1
  • Wait for the system to authenticate and if successful, the wifi password will be displayed immediately.

The way to see the wifi password in Windows 11 that was mentioned above is the same standard method as how to see the wifi password in Windows 10.

Avoid using these methods to harm other people, especially for hacking wifi.


...That's Ways to See Wifi Password on Windows.

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