Facts and History of Corning and Gorilla Glass

GG Tutor - How is the screen on a smartphone made? Here is an article that discusses the Facts and History of Corning and Gorilla Glass.

GG tutor - What is the history of Corning Gorilla Glass made?

You may be familiar with the Gorilla Glass screen which is generally found on smartphones today.

This glass screen is considered very strong and more scratch resistant.

Gorilla Glass is a lightweight, thin, yet damage-resistant sheet of glass made of alkaline aluminosilicate glass..
.. which can be used for screens on LCDs, Media Players, Laptops and Smartphones.

Gorilla Glass is the product of Corning, a vendor from America.

Facts and History of Corning, the Manufacturing Company of Gorilla Glass

Facts and History of Corning the Manufacturing Company of Gorilla Glass

Corning Inc. experimented with chemically strengthened glass in the 1960s..
.. Part of the project called "Project Muscle".

Within a few years, Corning Inc. succeeded in developing a glass called " Chemcor" glass.

At that time, Corning Inc. don't know what this "Chemcor Glass" will be used for..
.. Finally, the glass was never mass-produced.

Only a hundred pieces were produced for the Dodge Dart Race Car, and the Plymouth Barracuda.

Due to its light nature, the glass can reduce the weight of the vehicle which is one of the keys to increasing the maximum speed of a car.

In 2006, Apple Inc. developed the first model of the iPhone..
.. Initially, the iPhone used a screen made of hard plastic.

Steve Jobs discovered the fact that when he put the cellphone prototype in his pocket, his key scratched the surface of the prototype.

Steve Jobs immediately looked for a way to solve the problem..
.. Finally, he contacted the CEO of Corning Inc., Wendell Weeks, and said that the company " Apple" needed a light and strong glass to be used in the Iphone that will be used by consumers.

Then Wendell Weeks told Steve Jobs, about " Gorilla Glass" which had been developed by the company in 1960..
.. But it has been discontinued since then.

Steve Jobs convinced Wendell Weeks to immediately manufacture the glass for use in the upcoming iPhone.

At first skeptical Wendell Weeks said that Corning Inc. can do it and can manufacture enough screens for the pending iPhone release..
.. They are trying to achieve the request in six months.

The Corning factory in Harrodsburg, Kentucky was able to provide the Corning Glass for the first generation iPhone which was released in June 2007.

Apple is indeed a blessing for Corning..
.. Because of the iPhone, Corning, which at that time lost millions of dollars from its old business, received a new order to make scratch-resistant glass for smartphones.

Furthermore, orders don't only come from Apple, but also from Apple's competitors such as Samsung and HTC.

This is natural…!

Corning's Gorilla Glass product is special..
.. The glass is made using Corning's signature kiln process which makes the glass surface far superior to the company's other LCD glass substrates.

Facts and History of Corning the Manufacturing Company of Gorilla Glass 1
Gorilla Glass is very thin but very flexible and strong

The glass does not use heavy metals so it is environmentally friendly..
.. The clarity is excellent, and it can be applied to high-definition or 3D screens.

Corning wasn't a startup company that suddenly got the blessing of the iPhone..
.. This company was founded 164 years ago and since then has never stopped innovating (in the truest sense).

The company is even known for its slogan " the center is patient"..
..Because, countless times they have disbursed funds to conduct trials on technologies that do not bring clear and direct profits.

Facts and History of Corning the Manufacturing Company of Gorilla Glass 2
Corning's lab is full of discoveries from glass materials that have been sitting around for decades, waiting for the right opportunity

Currently, Gorilla Glass has been adopted by various devices.

Starting from the iPhone, iPad, and various other Android tablet and smartphone models. In 2010, the glass was used by more than 200 million mobile phones, accommodating 20% ​​global market share.

Facts and History of Corning the Manufacturing Company of Gorilla Glass 3
Gorilla Glass compared to Sapphire

Currently Corning is also developing Gorilla Glass with anti-reflection technology..
.. So, users can still read their smartphones right under the sun.

Then, there is also anti-microbial coating technology, considering that there is research that says that the surface of a smartphone can be a place to harbor bacteria.

Most recently, Gorilla Glass also has a new material called Willow..
.. Willow is a superflexible glass that is thinner than banknotes and can be produced inexpensively.

The possibilities for its use can be very diverse..
.. And it can be a superthin layer to cover skyscraper hotels, e-books, solar cells, and even wearable computers.


...That's Facts and History of Corning and Gorilla Glass.

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