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4 Ways to Disable Windows Anti Virus Temporarily and Permanently

GG Tutor - Windows Defender is an anti-virus program that works to protect the operating system on Windows.. .. However, this anti-virus program is…

How to Connect Bluetooth Mouse to Windows Laptop, Chromebook, and Mac OS

GG Tutor - How to connect a bluetooth mouse to a laptop you can do in several ways.. .. This depends on the wishes or needs of its use. Given the …

How To Recovery Windows via Settings, Booting, and Sign In

GG Tutor - Windows recovery can be done easily.. .. Because, Windows has provided several recovery methods that you can do. That way, users can ov…

3 Ways to Enable Hotspot on Windows 10

GG Tutor - How to create a hotspot on Windows 10 can generally be done easily, considering Windows 10 already supports various data connections.. .…

5 Ways to Stop Windows 10 Updates Permanently, It's Easy!

GG Tutor - Windows has an auto-update feature, where users will automatically download and install the latest updates when they become available. .…

1 Click Enter Recovery Mode iPhone Without Button

GG Tutor - Sometimes, if you want to flashing your iPhone or maybe you just want to restart it,, ,, you will have a hard time doing this because …
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